Dock Video Player – 一款可以在Dock栏上播放视频的播放器

Introduction / 简介

A program that plays videos in the Mac Dock bar by utilizing the Dock icon dynamic replacement API.

利用Dock图标动态替换API,实现的一款在Mac Dock栏播放视频的程序。

Usage Guide / 使用教程

  1. Run npm install to install dependencies (ffmpeg-static installation might have issues, it’s recommended to use a China-based mirror)
  2. Run npm start to launch the Electron application
  3. Load a video
  4. Click play to see the video displayed in the Dock bar
  5. The repository includes a BadApple sample video. For the best experience, set audio playback to 1x speed and start it 0.2 seconds earlier

  1. 运行npm install安装依赖(ffmpeg-static安装可能会有点问题,建议直接使用国内镜像源下载)
  2. 运行npm start启动Electron应用
  3. 加载视频
  4. 点击播放即可在Dock栏中看到视频画面
  5. 仓库中提供了BadApple的范例视频,建议将音频的播放时间设置为1倍速+提前0.2秒播放,体验最佳


Demo Video / 演示视频

Finally / 最后

If you like this project, please give me a star. Thank you.


Contact / 联系方式

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